Monday, March 31, 2014

One of those oddities that I never spent much time with in the '80s, was Citadel's line of C19 Lizardmen.  While I always liked the rough "gatormen" sculpts from Trish Morrison (blame it on being from Florida), the race got scant attention through Warhammer Fantasy Battles 2nd & 3rd ed, so I funneled my efforts into Orcs & Goblins.  By the time 4th rolled around, when GW fell down, hit it's head, & woke up thinking Lizardmen were Slann, I had zero interest in the reworked race & it's Jurassic Park vibe.

Here is the WFB 3rd-themed Army as it presently stands.  A challenge to collect with the present market, but I'm shooting for a well-rounded force with a couple groups of infantry, some archers, cavalry, beast handlers, & Troglodytes.  There is a Tom Meier Black dragon in there as well.  I always loved that mini & it looks like something that could have come out of a deep cave with it's undersized wings.
Not reflected in the pic are a contigent of swampy undead that I'm attaching to the shaman/necromancer.  Lustrian dead guys are just too much fun to miss out on!

This is a test trooper that I rattled out using an airbrush.  Not too shabby & it helped to identify some things I'll change moving forward.  Basic crocodile colors to start, but I plan to mix it up across the force.
Heroes & characters are definitely going to be albinos.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely start Naagruz, I'm a big fan of the old Lizardmen too, but they're not easy to come by these days :(
    Looking forward to seeing more of these, they really suit your painting stye.
